Friday, January 6, 2012

Tonight 18 Years Ago

It's 9:32. 18 years ago, right this minute, our phone rang in the little house we were renting. Chad had just gotten home from a 7th grade B team basketball game and a mom was calling, angry about something she perceived as unfair. She began the call with, "I know your wife is in labor, but this can't wait..."

The next morning, Chad and I drove to Midland, and as I regularly remind Dexter, the doctor ended 30 hours of exhausting, painful labor with a merciful emergency caesarian. My firstborn son arrived.

I can't believe it has been 18 years, five moves, and two more sons ago. Dexter and I grew up together. Before he was born, I was a self-centered daddy's girl, chafing against my role as a wife. I hope no one is thinking I haven't changed....I promise I have, a lot.

I was terrified of being a mom, of having a child that was just like me, of not loving my baby. I'd never really liked kids before. God certainly had a fertile piece of dirt to grow some character and fruits of the spirit.

I look back now with huge respect for Dexter having weathered my early mom years, and for God's grace in covering my shortcomings. Dexter, Derek and Dwight have been the biggest blessings for Chad and me. They are fun, challenging, and I love them to death. Thank you, Jesus.